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한국인이 내일 먹을 점심

방금 올린 Vue 2 에서 Svelte 로 이관하기 글이 생각나서
"how to migrate from vue 2 to svelte" 라고 물어봤더니 이렇게 답해주네요

"To migrate from Vue 2 to Svelte, you will need to do the following:

  1. Install the Svelte compiler and related dependencies. This can be done by running the following command:
npm install --save-dev svelte  
  1. Create a new Svelte project using the svelte-init command. This will create a new project with the necessary files and configuration for Svelte.
npx svelte-init my-svelte-project  
  1. Once your new Svelte project has been created, you can start migrating your existing Vue code to Svelte. This will involve replacing any Vue-specific syntax with the equivalent Svelte syntax.

  2. After you have migrated your code to Svelte, you will need to test your application to make sure everything is working as expected. This may involve fixing any bugs or issues that arise during the migration process.

  3. Once you have completed the migration and tested your application, you can deploy it to a production environment and start using Svelte in your project.

Overall, migrating from Vue to Svelte will require some effort, but it can be a worthwhile process if you want to take advantage of the benefits offered by Svelte.