2022년 현재 React로 앱 개발할 때 추천 라이브러리들
(robinwieruch.de)- React 프로젝트 생성 : 클라이언트에는 Vite/CRA, 서버에는 Next.js/Remix/Gatsby
- React State 관리 : useState/useReducer, useContext, Redux
- React Data Fetching : React Query (REST APIs, GraphQL APIs) + axios, Apollo Client
- Routing with React Router
- CSS Styling in React : CSS-in-CSS, CSS-in-JS/Emotion/Stitches, Functional CSS with Tailwind CSS
- React UI Libraries : Material UI(가장 인기), Mantine(추천), Chakua UI(추천), Ant Design, Radix, Primer, NextUI, Tailwind UI (not free), Semantic UI, React Bootstrap
- React Animation Libraries : Framer Motion (가장 추천), react-spring (종종 추천), react-motion, react-move, Animated (React Native)
- Visualization and Chart Libraries in React : Recharts, react-chartjs, nivo, visx, Victory
- Form Libraries in React : React Hook Form + yup/zod
- React Type Checking : 그냥 TypeScript 쓰세요
- React Code Structure: Style and Format : ESLint + Prettier
- React Authentication : Firebase, Auth0, AWS Cognito 같은 서비스/BaaS 선택
- React Hosting : 풀 관리하려면 Digital Ocean, 아니면 Cloudflare Workers, Netlify, or Vercel (특히 Next.js), Firebase 쓴다면 Firebase Hosting
- Testing in React : Jest + React Testing Library (most popular), Cypress
- React and Immutable Data Structures : Immer
- React Internationalization : FormatJS, react-i18next
- Rich Text Editor in React : Draft.js, Slate.js, ReactQuill
- Payments in React :PayPal, React Stripe Elements 또는 Stripe Checkout
- Time in React : date-fns, Day.js, Luxon
- React Desktop Applications : Electron, Tauri, NW.js, Neutralino.js
- Mobile Development with React : React Native, Expo
- React VR/AR : react-three-fiber, react-360, aframe-react
- Design Prototyping for React : Figma, Zeplin, Excalidraw, InVision
- React Component Documentation : Storybook, Docusaurus, Docz, Styleguidist
원글 작성자분이 생각한 디자인 프로토타이핑의 범주가 목업 수준인거같긴한데, 인터랙티브 프로토타이핑하면 Framer가 빠질 수 없어보입니다.
마지막 react component documentation에서는, 자기는 스토리북밖에 안써봐서 스토리북에 추천할 수 없지만 Docusaurus, Docz, Styleguidist도 좋다고 들었다, 라고 한 것이니 스토리북을 포함해야 할 것 같아요.