16P by xguru 2달전 | ★ favorite | 댓글 1개
  • FIDO Auth 컨퍼런스에서 무료 배포된 Adam Langley의 책 "A Tour of WebAuthn" PDF를 HTML로 변환한 것


  • 1: Introduction
  • 2: Universal Second Factor
  • 3: FIDO2 and passkeys
  • 4: WebAuthn
  • 5: Relying party IDs
  • 6: CTAP2
  • 7: Attestation
  • 8: WebAuthn on the web
  • 9: Extensions
  • 10: Hybrid transport
  • 11: Platform APIs
  • 12: The server side
  • 13: Public key formats

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